Junior “World Cup” Soccer 2018

This year, to celebrate the World Cup, Allsports Indoor Smeaton Grange  will be hosting a world cup inspired competition.

All teams will receive a playing strip in the country of their choice. First in best dressed!

Competition commences mid September. Registrations are OPEN now.

At Allsports Indoor, we run Junior Indoor Soccer competitions for both boys and girls.

We do not play any games during the school holidays.

The competitions are a great way to have loads of fun with friends, plus you also get the chance to improve your skills.

No more than 10 players can be registered for any one team. Games consist of 2 X 12 minute halves.

Girls & Boys Playing Times

Under  7s & 8s Monday 4-6pm 6-A-Side
Under 6s, 9s & 10s Tuesday 4-6pm 6-A-Side
Under 11s & 12s Wednesday 4-6pm 6-A-Side
Under 15s, 16s & 17s Thursday 4-6pm 6-A-Side
Under 13s & 14s Friday 4-7pm 6-A-Side
Under 6s to Under 12s Saturday Mornings 9am-1.30pm 6-A-Side

You can make up your own team or join as an individual.

Game Fees & Registration

Game fees and registration (not including semi and grand finals)   $186 Per Player (includes playing strip and insurance)
All game fees must be paid upfront before first game